The GB Prime Minister Theresa May, once again "makes an unfortunate slip" in an effort to organize another round of anti-Russian hysteria. The fact is that the British Prime Minister’s office published a press release on the results of Emirate Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani visit to London last week. There is a statement in that document that May and Al Thani agreed to cooperate with Russia from the positions of strength and unity.
However, in a press release published by the Qatari side, there was nothing about Russia. That fact was noticed by the Russian side and on Monday Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stated the following: "We carefully read that statement of Downing Street and were surprised, because in the Qatari press release Russia was not mentioned and more over there wasn’t any criticism of Moscow. The fact that in Doha allegedly associated with the well-known Mei’s anti-Russian approaches is categorically rejected by our Qatari partners in conversations with diplomats of the Russian embassy in the country, "Zakharova emphasized.
The diplomat suggested that "because of the British authorities’ propaganda did not influence on other members of the world community, London decided to wishful thinking by naming their supporters those who do not share their anti-Russian views. As a result, the London’s statements are becoming even less convincing and believable and the trust in them by the UK foreign partners is gradually dwindling, "she said.
Indeed, we can assume that the inhabitants of the British Prime Minister’s office at Downing Street, 10, apparently, quite "were out of their mind", and London simply does not know how to keep afloat a ship that is about to sink due to overload with lies and provocations against Russia. For examples, you do not need to go far.
If you recall, since November 2006 the British authorities persistently exaggerate the "case of Alexander Litvinenko", trying to blame the Kremlin for poisoning a former FSB officer. Later, London began to talk about alleged interference by Russia in the referendum on Britain's withdrawal from the European Union (Brexit) in the summer of 2016. Since March this year, the British authorities have been stubbornly trying to "tie" Moscow to poisoning the former GRU officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, and a little bit later - to the death of a British woman poisoned in the city of Amesbury.
And now the last hysterical burst of official London is an attempt to draw neutral Qatar into the Russophobic campaign. Apparently, London forgot that it was Russia whish supported Doha in the difficult moment of the diplomatic crisis around Qatar last summer, and later the Qatari authorities expressed gratitude to Moscow for it.
Moreover, the emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, in mid-July visited the World Cup finals in 2018 in Moscow and met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who solemnly handed him the "relay" of the World Cup, which will be held in that country in the year 2022. In this regard, Britain's talk of some kind of hostility in relations between Russia and Qatar is completely inappropriate.
Apparently, realizing that in the Russophobic campaign with Qatar they slightly missed, London decided to attack Doha on another occasion - ex-head of the English Football Association David Trisman said that FIFA should consider England as the host country of the World Cup in 2022 in connection with scandal around the victory of Qatar in the struggle for the right to hold mandala. "FIFA's responsibility is to study the evidence carefully and quickly and have the courage to make a difficult decision," the Daily Mail quotes Trisman as saying.
The British media reported that Qatar used the help of PR agencies and ex-CIA agents in order to discredit applications of other countries - the US, South Korea, Australia and Japan. Under the rules of FIFA, countries in the struggle for the right to host a tournament do not have the right to speak out about their competitors or in any way to harm their applications.
As we can see, England does not give peace to the world football tournament: they earlier accused Russia that it undeservedly won the World Cup 2018, and now London makes similar accusations against Qatar in connection with WFC-2022. Despite the fact that FIFA has repeatedly stated that both Moscow and Doha in a fair fight, by the way, Russia in a dispute with the same English, won the right to hold world football championships. But the ancestors of this game do not want to stop - they are persistently trying to be "the first among equals", although they have no grounds for this.
And it is appropriate to ask a question, so why should London need to inflame anti-Russian hysteria in the country or blame Russia or Qatar on unfair competition for the right to host the World Cup? And the answer is clear - the British authorities are trying to distract the public from domestic problems, which has been accumulated by the present Theresa May’s conservative government.
First of all, it is connected with Brexit - the negotiation process of leaving the European Union is extremely difficult, and is not entirely favorable for London. Prime Minister Theresa May’s government has just disbanded in recent days: Foreign Minister Boris Johnson and David Davis, the EU exit minister, resigned at the beginning of July, who, incidentally, had made their career at Brexit.
Now, three months before the end of the talks and eight months before the termination of British membership in the EU, on both sides of the English Channel, there are more and more frequent statements that Brexit without a deal is not such an incredible scenario. The discussion itself, which has not yet led to any intermediate outcome, pushes upon such unhappy thoughts.
In fact, the United Kingdom now has other problems. British economy is not well. There is a problem with so-called "Special relations" with the United States, London lost its position in the Middle East and Asia. Not to mention the fact that it completely quarreled with Moscow.
In the situation, it is quite understandable that Downing Street, 10 tries to divert the attention of the British by all sorts of anti-Russian attacks and provocations or fables about Russia on the eve of the 2018 World Cup. But it is hardly worthwhile for the government of Therese May to count their fellow citizens as complete idiots - the British are well aware of who is to blame on all their troubles both inside the country and on the international arena.
It is no coincidence that a survey conducted by Sky News on 20-23 July among more than 1.4 thousand of its viewers showed that at least 74% of Britons expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of Prime Minister Theresa May. Even more, the British are unhappy with the way the government conducts negotiations on the country's exit from the EU: only 10% of the survey participants rated its activity in this issue as "good", and 78% called it "bad." At the same time, 42% of respondents believe that Brexit will be affected negatively personally, 31% are optimistic, and 18% believe that it will not affect their life in any way.
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The GB Prime Minister Theresa May, once again "makes an unfortunate slip" 01.08.2018 14:54 |