South American history changed course on February 15, 1898. In the evening of that day, a heavy explosion rocked the armored cruiser USS "Maine", anchored in Havana harbor, which sank soon after, killing 266 US soldiers on board. The incident marks the first big-size US-made international false flag operation. From then on, Washington successfully widened its power space over South America - and through and after WW2 expanded globally. The situation in Latin America deteriorated to such an extent, that single-handed whistleblowers like the famous ex-CIA agent Philip Agee became global leaders of multi-pronged efforts to expose CIA agents throughout the subcontinent and beyond.
As has been already pointed out correctly, Venezuela's interior situation was so downtrodden 10-20 years before Chávez took office, only radical changes saved interior peace. And the new president was experienced enough to build completely new structures of government and administration, successfully re-organizing the military sector from scratch, in effect very similar to what Turkish president Erdoğan achieved in Ankara. It is through this interactive structural revolution, that successor Maduro's rule made it to survive that long under CIA-guided attacks of incredible reach. Iran is facing a similar attack mode - and still fighting back successfully. Undermining a whole country's political and economic core assets is no small endeavor - but strategists and their outgoing staff in the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, have had ample time to practice and reshape - and then test drive tactics and procedures again.
How difficult the turnaround really is, may be judged from the global fanfare, welcoming defection of Venezuela's Washington-based military attaché, Colonel José Luis Silva, by many big media - and in near identical phrases. Counting heads of defected officials of governments under CIA attack is a typical effort of the whole propaganda scheme throughout the world. A decisive "defection" was the world's leading witness for US interference in the "Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela", journalist Eva Golinger, with her anti-Maduro article in the New York Times last October. The same distinguished lady, ex-consultant to the late president Chávez, had given a highly meritorious interview in 2016 on the alleged poisoning of her former employer by Chávez confidantes.
Another useful running count is of countries being arm-twisted into declaring support to Washington's crony, the self-styled "interim president" and present parliament's president Guaidó. So far, the following Latinos have complied: Brazil, Columbia, Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Pánama und Ecuador. NATO countries are flogging to the colors, Germany, France and Spain have jointly handed out an ultimatum until February 3. The EU is working on a joint declaration - but its contents might be already earmarked as: one-sided support to Washington's hegemonic aspirations and unconditional aggression. However, a request for new elections appears far-fetched: CIA hard work over the last years has greatly helped to develop the chaos, which is now tormenting the people of the Bolivarian Republic. A demand for elections under these circumstances amounts to a degree of bad intention, especially, since not even the slightest word of criticism against Washington’s outrageous behavior can be heard from these self-styled NATO democracies.
German political parties in the federal parliament (Bundestag) unanimously stand against president Maduro, except for the Left, which was subsequently discounted by the mass media as solely driven by anti-Americanism. As is often the case in complex situations, analyzing motivations behind policies offers shocking insights:
- US president Trump is seen as trying to divert attention from his failed government shutdown by appearing tough in the unpopular Maduro case, thus gathering necessary bi-partisan support
- Trump hopes for hundreds of thousands of votes from citizens with links to Venezuela
- last not least: Venezuela sits on the world's largest known oil reserves: Washington, being hard pressed by energy and armament industry cartel leaders to achieve regime change in a place as remote as Iran, would be regarded irresponsible not to constantly try the same thing in much closer Venezuela...
Germany and the EU, unable to understand Turkey's drive to find and define a new position between Washington and Moscow, have other motivations of likewise doubtful qualities for their position east of international rules:
- Trump threats of sanctions against the EU in general and Germany in particular, because of allegedly too little defense contributions and the car industry, discourage entering further transatlantic dissent without urgent need
- little understanding for Venezuela's past and present difficulties, no pro-Venezuela political tradition since Chávez took office.
The result is, that Germany and the EU drop any second thoughts on Venezuela and its rightful pledge in favor of short-term gains in the difficult US relations. Turkey, which stands far more to lose, has shown a considerable lot more courage in openly, nearly provocatively, supporting President Maduro. But president Erdoğan isn't too well liked in Germany and Europe, either...
Two items of thought may be allowed here:
- The world is continuously regrouping into cold war era block thinking: my adversary's friend should not/cannot be my partner - that is a sorry state of political thinking, ultimately driving war.
- It appears high time, that all countries caring for a minimum amount of freedom, sovereignty and respect for values come together and finally set commune terms to truly and effectively support Venezuela in its terrible situation in a coordinated fashion. Russia, China, Turkey and Iran, BRICS, non-aligned countries, Greece?: Closer cooperation gains vivid momentum by decisive action for solidarity, too - not only by business-driven projects however useful, or solemn on-camera statements. Main question: How long will the world continue to accept Washington's unwritten but brutally and ruthlessly upheld law, that all of South America is its backyard?