In case the United States deploys intermediate-range missiles in Europe, Russia will be compelled to station resources targeted against both those missiles and territories housing the decision-making centers that will issue the launch order, President Vladimir Putin said in his Federal Assembly address. The arrival time of Russian missiles will be calibrated to that of American ones, which he estimated at some 10 to 12 minutes.
Commenting on this statement, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Geopolitical Problems, retired Colonel Vladimir Anokhin noted that "the deployment of missiles in Europe is a strategic step for the US to create an explosive situation in the competing countries, that is the EU. By doing so the US wanted to put them at risk. Vladimir Putin has clearly stated that for security purposes, Russia will strike not only missile targets, but also decision-making centers – this is where it has become serious. And everyone understands full well that the hypersonic strike time will be comparable to that of a cruise missile, which reaches Moscow in 12 minutes. And I think that the subsequent American hysteria – not reaction, but hysteria– will be really grave. With this statement, Vladimir Putin primarily wanted to put Russian opponents on heels, and Russia is pretty well aware of who directs this orchestra. And above Europe's head Vladimir Putin is addressing those possessing nuclear weapons in Europe, those who have saturated the European continent with nuclear weapons, and still want to supply carriers that pose a direct threat to Russia. This is what causes such a statement."
According to the expert, "it is now difficult to judge the readiness of Russia's opponents to sit down at the negotiating table; at least the internal political situation in the United States makes it impossible to think that the country will agree to somewhat serious or constructive negotiations with Russia. There are several groups there, each having its own point of view; Trump is tied hand and foot, and despite his impetuous and eccentric character, he is quite a reasonable politician. But when his personal authority or presidency are thrown into the scale against negotiations with Moscow, he will definitely choose the former. Here it is very hard to think that the nearest future will see any major changes in the negotiation process, except for a severe provocation or some ill-considered actions from both Europe and the United States, and a situation similar to the Cuban missile crisis will be established. That's when they will have to sit down to talks. And before that, nothing is going to happen, and we will find ourselves very far from the distance of normal contacts."
In turn, Board Chairman of the National Association of Armed Forces' reserved officers (MEGAPIR) Vladimir Bogatyrev emphasized that "Russia does not threaten anyone, and one cannot therefore talk about any threats coming from Russia. But countries offering potential support to a possible aggressor and deploying weapons in their territory that could threaten our country, naturally expose themselves and their entire population to the danger of a Russian retaliatory strike. All the more so given the fact that the latter has created a series and is completing tests of an additional series of strategic medium-range missiles with radically new performance characteristics and capable of hitting a large number of targets with both nuclear and conventional high-precision equipment. Western European leaders' ill-considered policy of supporting the United States in its frenzy about Russia is a very dangerous stance. Russia will not tolerate any additional threats, and therefore, by introducing counter weapons, Russia will ensure protection against a possible attack, which will, however, naturally increase the risk to industrial facilities, the population and the armed forces of the countries at one with the United States."
The expert also noted: "Everything that the Russian leadership is doing today, including the projection of the country's power capabilities, is a twin issue. First, Russia demonstrates to the whole world that despite the sanctions pressure, it keeps developing high-tech manufacturing and the military-industrial complex, which in turn creates conditions and serves as a driving force for other industries thanks to its scientific achievements and production excellence. And this benefits the entire national economy and all the citizens of Russia. The second aspect is that Russia declares openly of its stance of not going to have anyone talk to it from the position of strength. And the intention of Western politicians, primarily the current US leadership, to intimidate Russia, to influence Russia and China as Russia's strategic partner with actions and functions as a global policeman will fall flat. Russia will come up with a symmetric response, as Vladimir Putin says, which will reliably protect the interests of the country."
According to Vladimir Bogatyrev, "everything that is being done in the military sphere, in the political sphere is always aimed at one main thing – to convince Russian partners that they won't attain any success by means of military influence, by means of an arms race. And the challenge involves compelling them to finally sit down at the negotiating table, like it happened in 1972 on the ABM Treaty and in the 1980s on the system of strategic arms limitation."