On June 3 to 5, US President Donald Trump made his first state visit to the UK, where he arrived with his family at the invitation of Queen Elizabeth II. It is no accident in this regard that Trump's visit to the United Kingdom was accompanied by a number of ceremonial events.
As early as on the first day of their stay in London, Donald Trump and his wife Melania met with Queen Elizabeth II and other members of the Royal family at the Buckingham Palace, visited Westminster Abbey and laid a wreath at the Tomb of The Unknown Warrior. On Monday evening Her Majesty arranged a testimonial dinner at the Buckingham Palace for her distinguished guest. On Tuesday, Trump held talks with Prime Minister Theresa May, and on Wednesday he visited the Portsmouth celebrations to mark the Normandy landings' 75th anniversary.
Despite the optimistic tone of statements by Trump and May, this visit did not yield any practical achievements to Washington and London. The "phenomenal" US-British trade agreement promised by the US President is so far still all up in the air: much will depend on the conditions of Britain's exit from the EU (Brexit), but the process may be delayed and will not necessarily be completed by October 31 this year, with its date being shifted till the cows come home. This, in turn, will prevent the signing of the treaty with the United States.
As for the American leader himself, during the visit he seemed to have used his best efforts to make the British love him even less than before. For instance, his insulting Twitter remarks made on the eve of the visit towards London Mayor Sadiq Khan, whom he called "a complete loser", will hardly fuel the British society's confidence in Trump.
Let's just point out to the fact that this visit of the US President was perhaps the most unconventional and memorable in the history of Great Britain, as it took place against the background of the upcoming resignation of Theresa May, the Prime Minister and leader of the ruling Conservative Party (the Tories), on June 7. And as early as next week, namely June 10, will see the election campaign for her successor to start. It is quite natural that this left an imprint on Trump's visit to Britain.
And in this regard, the US President remained true to himself: with his highlight declaration of supporting the candidacy of former Foreign Office head Boris Johnson to replace Ms. May, he flagrantly interfered not only in the rumble within the Tories, but also in the internal affairs of the United Kingdom as a whole. Of course, Trump's shameless statement caused a storm of indignation among the British, particularly those supporting the Tories. We cannot exclude that for this very reason Boris Johnson refused to have a private encounter with Donald Trump, confining himself to a telephone conversation. And Theresa May herself did not like the American leader's publicly voiced support to advocates of a "hard" Brexit and desire to meet with their leaders Johnson and Nigel Farage during the state visit.
The current visit of the US President to London was accompanied by another scandal that split the Euro-Atlantic community and aggravated the domestic political situation in Britain itself. Urging the UK to withdraw from the European Union without a deal and not to pay Brussels a compensation of £39 billion (about $50 billion), Donald Trump threw down the gauntlet to the European allies. Having unambiguously come out for a "hard" Brexit, the American leader not only added fuel to the fire in the dispute of opponents and supporters of Britain's exit from the EU inside the country, but also irritated Brussels that is not ready to make any concessions to London in the negotiation process. With his statement on Brexit Trump apparently wanted to once again remind both London and the whole of Europe who the boss is.
And all of this is despite the fact that today the relations between the United States and the European Union are far from being ideal. Suffice it to say that last summer the US imposed import duties on aluminum and steel from Europe, and now Washington threatens the EU with "cutting off from the US financial system." And the US is not only trying to have the upper hand in the field of currency regulation and energy (the Nord Stream – 2 project is a clear proof of this), but at the same time, as recently revealed, seeks to intervene in the defense affairs of the EU countries, imposing their own weapons systems there.
Meanwhile, apart from the numerous ritual gestures and loud statements, Donald Trump's visit was accompanied by protests in Central London, dubbed a "Carnival of Resistance". According to a YouGov survey, 54 per cent of Londoners protested against Trump's visit, and only 24 per cent favored it. As for Britain in general, the situation is a bit different, but either to the disfavor of the American leader: 46 per cent opposed, 40 per cent in favor.
However, the President of the United States has not noticed those large-scale campaigns, saying that he did not see a lot of protesters, but many Londoners delightedly welcomed him in the streets. "It's not true", – The Guardian concisely commented on the American President's words.
So, Donald Trump's visit to the UK is over, leaving more questions than answers. Anyway, one can hardly call it a successful one.